Our Services
Initial Body Scan
First time clients can expect to receive an in-depth introduction to biomagetism and how it works. We will go over your intake form and discuss any specific health concerns, as well as your reason for visiting. Following the consultation and health history, your session will start with you laying down fully clothed on a massage table. At this time a comprehensive scan of the body will be done using applied kinesiology (muscle testing) or dowsing to identify any imbalances in the body. Then using a systematic approach we will create a map of pH imbalances and plan your personalized treatment plan. We will begin your biomagnetism session with magnets placed on specific places on the body unique to our findings in the scan. Generally, people rest quietly or fall asleep during the magnetic pair treatment. The first session generally is about 1.5 hours.
Treatment plan
The following appointments will work to meet the goals for your personalized treatment plan and will vary by client and specific need. Generally, follow up sessions usually are preformed in 1 hour. The number of sessions needed for individuals vary depending on duration of time you have been suffering with symptoms. For minor imbalances patients can expect to have a few sessions, but for something more chronic further sessions are necessary.
Once you have completed a treatment program with Healing Tides we will determine periodic check-in times that will keep your body operating at optimal levels. With the understanding that our lives are in constant flux and we must continuously stay in-tune with our bodies and minds.